Rachel Pleau Liese
Rachel's Latest Interactions
Hi Marie, A very Happy Birthday to you. Hope all is well with you. I'm doing fine and living in Reston, VA now in a Senior Community. I love it here and very close to my daughter.
Drop me a line sometime, I'd love to hear from you. Rae
Good morning Claire, another
Good morning Claire, another birthday, how blessed are we! Hope you have a great day and year.
Blessed wishes and prayers for you and all the rest of our 1953 class.
Good morning Claire,
Wow, today you hit the big 80, hope you have a great and blessed birthday. My turn to meet the big 80 in December. Hope you are in good health.
Hi Rachel, We are losing each other little by little, it is sad but it is the way of the World. I thought I had written you after Yvette's passing. Did you get any message from me about a week ago? Prudence
Yvette, iat Notre Dame ha we were the best of friends, but then we both went out into the world. God has been good to us both. My deepest sympathy to your family.
Hi Claire
Here's to a very happy birthday and many more to come. I'll say like Prudence, we are lucky to be alive, who would have thought we'd still be here at this ripe he. Hope you have a great day of celebration
Are you still in Marlboro, say hi to my other friends for me, Sr Bernadette, Jean d'Arc.
Hope you are well